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Conference epiSTEME-3 is the third in a series of biennial conferences meant to review research world-wide in science, technology and mathematics education. It is being organised by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, a National Centre of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India.
Science, technology and mathematics education have, in recent decades, emerged as lively new research areas. This research, inspired by issues of learning and teaching, has clear uniting themes in the cognitive, pedagogical, historical, philosophical and socio-cultural aspects of the sciences. The name epiSTEME connotes, at one level, a systematic study of knowledge, while as acronym it suggests a meta-view of science, technology and mathematics education.
The epiSTEME conferences aim to bring together researchers in the neighbouring disciplines of science, technology and mathematics education, and in the disciplines that inform this research such as history and philosophy of science, cognitive and socio-cultural studies. For information on the previous epiSTEME conferences see Conference epiSTEME-3 continues the tradition of interdisciplinary exchange.
Aim of the Conference
Conference epiSTEME-3 will focus on four broad strands of research that impact Science, Techology and Mathematics Education. Under each strand, one or more focus themes have been identified that reflect active research topics and areas of interest. Leading scholars in the field will be invited to give overviews of some of the themes within each strand. Paper and poster sessions will complement the review talks. Pre and post conference workshops are being planned, the details of which will be announced later. The conference will strive to nurture the research community in India while fostering linkages between theory and empirical research in STM education. The conference aims at strengthening academic interactions among research groups in this field across the world.
January 5-9, 2009
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Mumbai, India